(1) 題名及著者敘述項
(2) 版本項
(3) 資料特殊細節項
(4) 出版項
(5) 稽核項
(6) 集叢項
(7) 附註項
(8) 標準號碼及其他必要記載項
在MARC中,R:repeatable 可重複的
在MARC中,NR:unrepeatable 不可重複的
在MARC中,指引(Indicators)一定有兩項:Frist, Second,0是沒有附註款目,1是有附註款目
Subfield Codes
245 04$aThe Year book of medicine.將會轉換成:Year book of medicine
245 12$aA report to the legislature for the year ...將會轉換成:report to the legislature for the year.
245 12$aL'enfant criminal.將會轉換成:enfant criminal
245 05$a[The Part of Pennsylvania that ... townships].將會轉換成:Part of Pennsylvania that ... townships].
245 16$a--the serpent--snapping eye.將會轉換成:serpent--snapping eye
245 18$aThe ... annual report to the Governor.將會轉換成:annual report to the Governor
245 12$aL'été.將會轉換成:été.
245 14$aHē Monē tou Horous Sina.將會轉換成:nē tou Horous Sina
245 15$aTōn meionotētōn eunoia :$bmythistorēma /$cSpyrou Gkrintzou.將會轉換成:eionotētōn eunoia :$bmythistorēma /$cSpyrou Gkrintzou.
245 15$aTōn Diōnos Rōmaikōn historiōn eikositria biblia =$bDionis Romanarum historiarum libri XXIII, à XXXVI ad LVIII vsque.將會轉換成:ōnos Rōmaikōn historiōn eikositria biblia =$bDionis Romanarum historiarum libri XXIII, à XXXVI ad LVIII vsque.
245 15$aThe “winter mind” :$bWilliam Bronk and American letters /$cBurt Kimmelman.將會轉換成:winter mind” :$bWilliam Bronk and American letters /$cBurt Kimmelman.